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  • Canada's nuclear focus and how to handle rejection

Canada's nuclear focus and how to handle rejection

Canada's plan to deal with growing population & new job postings

Your Path to Success in Canada 🇨🇦 

Did you know that Canada is sending it’s first surfer to the Olympics? Obviously, she’s from BC.

Last week’s poll: 47% of our subscribers are in the broad technology sector, followed by business/finance and engineering (40% combined). We will continuously work to curate content that’s relevant for you.

In today’s edition we’ve got:

  • how to deal with networking rejection

  • Canada’s investments in nuclear

  • more job postings! 🔥

    -Anastasia and Anna


 💵 Ontario is betting big on Nuclear Power. With the country’s growing population (expected to hit 50 million by 2030), there’s a rising need in more electricity. Ontario is planning to double it’s production in the Bruce Power station, add more reactors to the Darlington station, and considers refurbishing the Pickering nuclear station. (CBC)

Did you know: The Bruce Power station in Tiverton, ON is the worlds largest generating station in the world. Lets just hope that Canada gets a better accident track record, than up until now.

 💹 Toronto is asking its residents what to do with the empty office buildings. Office vacancies in Toronto have reached 17.5% in 2023 thanks to the continued adoption of the remote work. Given the housing crisis we are in, the city wants to see how some of the office buildings could be converted into housing.(Global News)

Our take: converting office buildings is a complex challenge, since commercial office space has different construction requirements than residential code. Residential units require a different plumbing, ventilation and window functionality to say the least. City of Toronto is holding meetings to consult with the residents and share their progress.

 🧑‍🚒 CRTC delays implementing the Online Streaming Act until the end of 2025. Also known as the Bill C-11, it is aimed to make online platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Spotify promote Canadian TV, film and/or music content as well as help fund the production of said content. It has been subject to a lot of controversy, as it’s regarded as a way to control the media that Canadians consume. This bill could also affect yours truly, as it may enforce adjustments to YouTube algorithm recommending viewers more Canadian content, regardless of whether viewers are interested in it or not. (Maple Syrup)

💊 Canadian renters now have to pay their landlord’s taxes. With the new regulation, renters who rent from foreign landlords are on the hook for any unpaid taxes their non-resident landlord may owe. (Better Dwelling)

🧑‍🎓 It is getting harder to get PR in Canada. The average CRS score has risen to over 540 with record high number of PR applications. (CBC)

🎩 Career Tips

To be good at networking, you must master the art of the information interview. We’ve covered the art of reaching out to strangers in the previous newsletter, so make sure to check our last post out.

What exactly is an information interview?

It's not your typical formal interview; it's more like a friendly chat with someone in your desired industry or role.

The purpose

To gather insider insights, get referrals, expand your network, and uncover hidden job opportunities (unadvertised job market).

These interviews are flexible and can be conducted in person, over the phone, or even via a video call. Of course, an in-person meeting via a coffee chat would be more memorable these days - everybody likes free coffee! (yes, it is a good practice to offer to pay for the coffee if you’re inviting someone for an information interview).

Information interviews are relatively short, typically lasting around 20-30 minutes. The key is to be respectful of the other person's time while maximizing the value of your conversation.

How to run an information interview.

Imagine yourself in the shoes of a hiring manager, except, you’re not quite hiring, but still want to learn about the person’s background, experience and insights.

Instead of the standard "Tell me about yourself," ask about industry trends, the company culture, or their job search and hiring experience.

Here are the questions to ask:

  • How did you get started in this field?

  • What educational background or related experience might be useful in this field?

  • What part of your job do you find most satisfying? Most challenging?

  • What's the most exciting project you've worked on recently, and what did you learn from it?

  • How do you see jobs in this field changing in the future?

  • What are you excited about most in your job/company?

  • What other organizations might be interested in skills like mine?

  • Could you suggest people with whom I could talk?*

  • May I use your name when I contact them?*

  • Is it all right if I get in touch with you again in several weeks?

Dealing with rejection*

You will be rejected, it’s just a natural way of life. However, theres always a way to turn a rejection into success. Whenever your invite for a coffee chat is rejected, you can always ask a follow up question of

  • Could you suggest people with whom I could talk?*

This is a powerful question for 1 major reasons:

  1. the person likely feels slightly bad for rejecting you, so they are now more likely to be open to help in other ways. By asking this question, you’re giving them an opportunity to help in another way.

How to prepare for an information interview?

  • Do your research about the person and the company they work for

  • Come on time, dress well, smile and thank the person for their time

  • Be prepared to talk about yourself—your goals, education, accomplishments. A great way to prepare for this is to polish your elevator pitch

  • Be consice, clear, friendly and professional. Do not talk too much as your goal is to gain knowledge

  • Respect their time, and read the cues for when it’s time to end it

  • Send a thank-you message after the interview

And of course - don’t forget to stay in touch once in a while, so if the opportunity arises - you will be the first person on their mind to reach out to.

In our next post, we will share tips on how to stay in touch, in just 5 minutes a month.

🍰 Timbits

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💼 Job Highlights

📍Ada, Toronto-based, chatbot provider for Saas, is hiring in product development, marketing, and solution consulting.

📍Neuraflash, an AWS cloud solutions and Salesforce provider, has several Salesforce roles open.

📍Thumbstack, a SaaS company helping homeowners find workers for home improvements is hiring across 30 remote roles in finance, product, marketing and more.

📍DoorDash Canada is hiring across roles in Warehouse help, engineering, HR, operations and logistics.

📍 Service Now, an enterprise AI workflow management platform, has 4 remote roles open in Canada in solution consulting and finance.

📍 Bruce Power, Canada’s largest nuclear plant is hiring project managers, IT directors and technicians.

Which industries do you want to see more job postings for? Respond to this email to let us know.

AI Cartoon of the Week

Did you know that world’s first nuclear accident happened in Canada?

Submit your AI Cartoon Prompts by responding to this email!